Cancel your membership

You do not need to cancel your membership when you change industry, start your own business or start studying. Nor do you need to leave us if you change jobs or trade unions. As a university graduate, you can keep your membership your entire working life. The labor market can change quickly, but it takes 12 months to qualify for income-related compensation.

Change unemployment fund/unions?

You do not have to change unemployment benefit fund just because you change jobs or start your own business. You can stay with us your entire career.

Move abroad?

In most cases it's good for you to cancel your membership if you leave Sweden to work elsewhere. There are a few exceptions where it could be good to stay. More information

Start your own business?

Continue to be a member if you start your business. Even entrepreneurs can get benefits if the company would not pay off and one would become unemployed.

Going back to university?

Remain a member and save your worked time. If you were to be unemployed after the studies the benefits would be based on your previous work.

On parental leave?

Stay a member when your at home with your children. If you were to be unemployed after the leave the benefits would be based on your previous work.

Cancel here

You must cancel your membership in writing. You can cancel your membership here Thanks for your time with us!