You have to fill in a timesheet (tidrapport) in Mina sidor to receive your benefits. The timesheet covers a week where you state what you have been doing during this week. We need to receive your sheet within 9 months. It is very important that the information is correct. Please contact us if you are unsure about anything


If you have been unemployed, tick the boxes under Arbetslös.


If you get a part-time job, you may be entitled to unemployment benefit for the time that you remain unemployed. It is important that you notify us about your part-time job by sending in the form Information om arbete or a copy of your employment contract.

Monthly salary

Use the employment rate box (sysselsättningsgrad) If you have a set working time fill in your employment rate. If you for example work 75 percent you should only fill in the employment rate and not your working hours - then you will report double.

Report extra hours you have worked If you work hours in addition to your monthly salary, fill in your employment rate plus additional hours on the time report.

Don't you have the same schedule every week? Do you for example work full time one week and nothing the next? Then you will still fill in your employment rate every week, in this case 50 percent.

Sick or on parental leave from employment with monthly salary? Fill in the employment rate box and tick in sickness or parental allowance (Sjuk/Föräldrapenning).

Hourly basis

If you are employed on an hourly basis or if you work outside of your normal working hours (more than you are scheduled to work), fill in the hours and minutes on the day you performed the work to the far left of the tidrapport. You round the minutes up or down to the closest half hour.

If you are on-call (jour) that runs the whole night, you should declare all the hours you were on-call, regardless the salary level.


If you are unemployed and sick you need to inform Försäkringskassan so that you can seek sickness benefit from Försäkringskassan. Tick the box in the middle of the time report under Sjuk/föräldrapenning. These are divided into the amount of time you are prevented from working. 1/1 = 8 hours. ¾ = 6 hours. ½ = 4 hours. 1/8 = 1 hour.

Parental leave or at home with a sick child

If you are home with a sick child or on parental leave, tick the box in the middle of the time report under Sjuk/föräldrapenning. These are divided into the amount of time you are prevented from working. 1/1 = 8 hours. ¾ 6 = hours. ½ = 4 hours. 1/8 = 1 hour.

Vacation or prevented from working or applying for work

If you are on paid vacation from your (part-time) work, tick the boxes under Semester on the time report. Please note that you should only tick the box Semester if your employer pays your salary during your vacation.

If you are prevented from working or applying for work for any other reason, tick the boxes "Kan inte ta arbete".

You are not allowed to apply for a-kassa from abroad. You have to apply for work in Sweden.

Going abroad?

Please note that you cannot receive benefit while you are abroad, fill that in on your time report. Special rules apply if you have a work interview. Check with us before you leave! If you are abroad on holiday, fill in Kan inte ta arbete on the report.

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Online in Mina sidor

Fill in your tim report in Mina sidor every week. Sign in with BankID. Contact us if you don't have BankID.