
The type of employment you have had is not significant. What is important is that you must have at least worked 60 hours a month for six months.

The Arbetsgivarintyg should preferably cover the 12 most recently worked months. If you have had more than one employer in the past year, all of them must fill in the certificate and send it in to us.

The most significant factor for when you may receive unemployment benefits is how your employment was terminated. 


If you have been dismissed because of redundancy, you will be considered as unemployed when your period of notice has elapsed. Period of notice begins from the day you were notified of dismissal. The specifics we need in order to make a decision is on the form Arbetsgivarintyg. Please make sure the employer has correctly filled in the form.

Request the certificate Arbetsgivarintyg in Mina sidor under E-tjänster

Did you choose to resign?

If you cause your unemployment by choosing to resign, your right to unemployment benefit may be suspended for 45 benefit days. This is if you have quit your job without an acceptable reason.

The suspension days will be deducted in connection to us receiving your time report. The suspension days will be deducted on days you would have been entitled to benefits and/or days when you have worked. If you are on sick/parental leave, vacation or unable to apply for work, the suspension period will be postponed. However, when 112 days have passed since you resigned from your employment, the suspension period will be over - regardless if you have completed it or not.

Is my reason for resigning acceptable?

According to the Unemployment Insurance Act, acceptable reasons for leaving your job are:

• Health reasons:
We need a medical certificate from your doctor that states your health problems. It has to include what made your job unsuitable for you from a medical perspective. You need to have been in contact with a doctor before resigning and the doctor needs to state that you should resign due to health issues.
We will also need to know from your employer if the possibility for redeployment (to work in a different department or with different work assignments) has been examined. Answer questions in a form in Mina sidor where you write a short description of your situation and health problems.

• Harassment/ Discrimination:
If you have been harassed or discriminated against at work, it may be a valid reason to resign of your own accord. You must show that you and your employer have tried solve the problem. Re-deployment must also have been examined before resigning. If you have been in contact with your union, please ask them for a written statement or give us their contact information. If you have not been in contact with your union, a written statement from a co-worker can also be helpful.

• Re-location: Move to another town
Resigning your job in order to move with your partner (that you share a household with) to another town can be an acceptable reason if all three of the following conditions are met:
1) Your partner has a new permanent, full-time job in the town you are moving to.
2) The relocation forces you to commute more than 4 hours a day (more than 2 hours commuting in each direction)
3) Weekly commuting is not possible due to family reasons; for example small children.
We will need a copy of your partner’s employment contract, a description of your commuting options and details of your childrens´ ages and special circumstances.

• Nonpayment of salary
If your employer does not pay you your salary, or repeatedly pays your salary too late, this can be an acceptable reason for resignation.

Examples of non-acceptable reasons to resign
- You did not receive a promotion
- You are over- or under qualified for the job
- You did not receive the pay raise you requested
- You did not receive the job assignments you wanted or was promised.

Income insurance

Your income insurance payment may be affected by a resignation. Contact your union/insurance company for more information about how a resignation can affect your income insurance.

Fill in the form Questions about why you resigned

Redundancy package

If you have received a redundancy package or made a similar form of agreement with your employer when your employment ended, you need to send us a copy of the agreement. The agreement must state the amount of money you will receive.

We also need an Arbetsgivarintyg (work certificate) from your employer. The Arbetsgivarintyg is a specific document that certifies what kind of employment you have had, the hours you have been working, the salary you have received and any additional compensation (salary supplements and fringe benefits). You request an Arbetsgivarintyg in Mina sidor under E-tjänster.

It's very important that you sign on to Arbetsförmedlingen straight away so that your compensation level from Försäkringskassan remains (if you get sick or are on parental leave).

If you have resigned - fill in the form Questions why you have resigned

Have you been combining employment and work in your own company?

If you have combined work as an employee with work in your own business during the last twelve months, your business can be considered as a part-time business (Begränsat företag) or as a side-line business (Bisyssla).

Side-line business

In order for your company to be considered as a side-line business, you will have to have worked in the business for at least twelve months while being employed full-time. Fill in the formt Företag - extraarbete and send us an Arbetsgivarintyg from your employer.


Part-time business

If you have combined work as an employee with work in your own business during the last twelve months, you may continue working in your company while you receive unemployment benefit.

This applies if you have been working at least 17 hours a week in your employment and a maximum average of 10 hours a week in your company. You need to have been simultaneously active in part-time employment and your business for at least six months. This means that you can continue working in your company to the same extent as before, while receiving unemployment benefit.

Fill in the form Frågor för företagare and send in an Arbetsgivarintyg from your employer. You also need to send the form Inkomst från egen verksamhet to Skatteverket.

Forms in English